"...so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God"
Colossians 1:10
"Evangelism is not only reaching people with the Gospel message and bringing them to a decision for Christ, it is making them disciples... To evangelize is to present Christ Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit that men and women shall come to put their trust in God through Him, to accept Him as their Savior, and serve Him as their King in the fellowship of His church. This ties commitment to Christ with commitment to the church. God's will is clear... He wants men and women everywhere to come to Him and into the church of Jesus Christ."
-Dr. C Peter Wagner
Connections Team
Creating an environment that both embraces newcomers and provides a sense of connection for everyone is the core ministry of the Connections Team. This team oversees the function of all hospitality programs and care ministries inside the church. We also identify the needs that exist in the church and find ways to serve those needs in the most effective ways possible
If you are interested in joining the connections team, or would like to sign up for Connections time in the future, please click "join now" below.
Discipleship Team
Developing a congregation that walks in faith-- not just belonging in membership-- requires deepening relationships set within the community of God. You cannot simply run a marathon without training. The same goes for building communities centered on Christ. The members of the church need just as much care, prayer and ministry as those outside the church. Park Church is excited to offer Men's & Women's Ministry programs as well as Bible Studies, Prayer Groups, and Youth and Kids' programming.
If you are interested in joining the Discipleship team, click the link below to request more information.
Property Team
The church is the physical launching pad for everything we do. Our church is used for events that are meant to point people to salvation. It is critical to be intentional about the story our facilities tell our community and visitors. How we steward our facilities today will have a huge impact on our mission down the road.
If you are skilled in handiwork and would like to donate your time and your resources to maintaining our "launching pad", please click the button below to request more information.
Park Kids
Here at Park Church we strive to create a loving and caring environment for your children to worship our Lord and learn about how He loves us and cares for us. We use stories from the Bible and teach them in fun exciting ways and connect those themes to students’ everyday lives. We love having family worship time together before dismissing the children for age-appropriate teaching. This allows the whole church family to worship our Lord together, while also teaching our children the importance of worship and their place in worship. Above all we want your children to know that God loves them with a “never stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever love!”
Click the link below for more information about our kids' programming.
Outreach Team
Would our community miss us if our church no longer existed? The importance of the Outreach Team is for us to be able to answer that question with a resounding "yes". The majority of Jesus' ministry was not inside the church, but outside in the community. When a church belongs to a community, people are more receptive to our mission and to change. In order to become relevant in our community it is crucial that we go outside of the four walls of our church building and make an impact on the people around us.
If you are interested in joining the Outreach team, click the link below.
Worship Team
Here at Park Church we love to honor Him in our worship time. He is so worthy of our praise! We strive to create an atmosphere of genuine, heartfelt worship. We are blessed with a gifted team of people who gladly give of their time and talents so that each Sunday morning is special and meaningful! We have a worship band and we use a blended style of music. We lean more toward current worship songs while not abandoning the timeless treasures of some of the older songs. The children are dismissed to their classes and events after the worship time so that families have the opportunity to enjoy worshipping together.
“…I will sing and make music with all my heart”
Psalm 108:1
Finance Team
God calls all of us to be good stewards of the gifts he provides us. The finance team is focused on the gifts that God provides the congregation. The Senior Leadership Team, through prayer and discernment, decides where and how to allocate the funds to the budget while the finance team handles the day to day expenses and record keeping.
If you wish to find out more information about the finance team, or you would like to know how to join email Bryan Drummond using the link below.